The role of delight in product development. Behind the scenes of Sana’s latest Kano week.

Viktor Qvarfordt
Staff Engineer
Jacob Jonsson
Product manager

Two weeks ago, Sana产品组织把路线图放在一边,花了五天时间探索如何取悦我们的用户.

This quarterly Sana ritual is called Kano week. 它根植于一种哲学,帮助我们打造更好的学习产品, 我们已经适应了它,这样我们也可以建立一个更好的团队.

Here's everything you need to know about Kano at Sana.

Better products are joyful products. The Kano theory.

卡诺模型是一个关于产品开发和顾客满意的理论. It was developed in the 1980s by Professor Noriaki Kano. 核心理念是,当产品开发专注于基本需求和核心功能时, the end-user's satisfaction is capped.

卡诺认为,更好的产品是通过取悦终端用户来制造的. 通过将我们的注意力从解决功能性问题转移到创造愉悦和快乐上, we can create a product that delivers more value to users.

Our work always includes the Kano model. 而是要嵌入这些原则,让更多有创意的想法出现, 我们已经把这个模型演变成专门的一周卡诺冲刺. We run these Kano weeks quarterly. 它们是追随我们的好奇心,专注于快乐的绝佳机会.

A week dedicated to delight. Why we Kano.

带着激情工作让解决问题更有回报. Kano weeks provide a space for people to be creative. 从这种创造力中,我们可以为我们的产品创造出令人愉悦的功能. 坎诺模型的一个重要部分是享受忘记“成功”和“失败”的乐趣。. Do experiments always work? No! 但团队是否已经学会了横向思维、创造力和什么能让人开心? 他们是否已经推动并测试了你的技术,并进行了不同的对话,从而引发了新的思考途径? Yes.

Kano weeks connect with one of our leadership principles, 'Search for global maxima'. In mathematics, 局部最大值是给定区域内的最大可能值, 而全局最大值是实际的最大可能值. So when we say 'search for global maxima', 我们的意思是远离渐进式的改进,转而支持重大的发展. We like to say, "if you get stuck in the local maximum, 你忙着灭火,没有意识到整个森林都在燃烧.他说:“我们的日常工作是发展萨那. We allocate time carefully and scope our projects well. 卡诺周提供了脱离当前责任的自由. 我们鼓励人们在不同的小组中工作,一起解决新出现的障碍. It's a week where we all get to tap into our zones of genius and think beyond functional improvements.

Happy team. Happy product.

这听起来很简单,但快乐的团队确实能制造出快乐的产品. 跟随我们的好奇心,深入研究一个有趣的问题,这就是我们喜欢学习的方式. And that joy? It filters through to the platform. The Infinite Game is central to our thinking at Sana; we're never done. 卡诺周鼓励我们玩得开心,想办法让学习更愉快. 要问的是:我们怎样才能让Sana更快乐地与人互动?

用不同的技能组合来比赛,为我们的团队提供了一个创造性的休息和重置. Designers are jumping into code, coders are suggesting changes to features in Figma, and several iterations can happen in a single day. We allow ourselves to cut corners, to explore. We iterate quickly to find the most impactful end-result.

从日复一日的工作中抽出一周的时间,这需要你的存在感和精力, but it also gives tremendous energy. It reinvigorates the team's joy for their work. 在Kano一周结束时,他们回到常规项目中,充满了新的观点和想法.

How does a Kano sprint work in practice? A week or two beforehand, every Sanian across the company, including the commercial team, shares their ideas for new features. Then a few days before kick-off, 所有卡诺参与者选择他们最喜欢的问题并组成新的团队. To keep the ideas flowing and groups mixing during the week, we have daily lunches and fikas (coffee breaks). By Friday, the product demos are ready. The entire company gathers and brings out the popcorn, eager to see what's been built and celebrate the process. 没有比卡诺演示更好的方式来结束一周了.

From idea to execution. What we built.

So, what did we build this time?

我们研究了17个潜在的新产品功能,从大到小. 有时候,这就是优化最终用户满意度的有趣之处, you achieve it by working on complex, ambitious problems; sometimes, the delight comes from paying attention to the details.

This time, 我们最雄心勃勃的想法是通用搜索——利用bwin足球平台在Sana中搜索整个公司的知识. 绝大多数的机构知识分散在几十个应用程序中, stuck in people's heads, and trapped in analog formats. 想象一下,有了这些触手可及的知识,我们完成任务的速度会有多快? That was the insight behind Universal Search. It’s an incredibly exciting new product feature in Sana; Kano gave us the opportunity to take the experience to the next level.

On the delightful details end of the spectrum, there were features like the sliding scale and flip cards.

Why a sliding scale? 想象一下在……开始信息安全培训课程 Sana Live by asking people how confident they feel about this area. 您可以使用1-10分的民意调查来评估这些信息. 我们认为让每个参与者拖动他们的虚拟角色沿着尺度移动会更有趣. It feels light-hearted, even a little silly, 哪一种对建立心理安全感和提高参与度有好处.

What are flip cards? Cards in Sana function a bit like slides, and for Kano week, we wanted to explore making them more interactive. 通过翻转卡片,引导者可以提出问题,然后“翻转”卡片以显示答案. 他们甚至可以使用我们的bwin足球平台图像生成功能来创建答案背后的独特图像. 这些细节使人们更容易参与到学习中来. At the end of the day, that's why we're here.

We decided to take all three of these ideas into production. 我们不期望团队在Kano周期间生产出可生产的特性, 但很多都达到了MVP级别,然后进入了产品团队下一阶段的待办事项列表. 这就是Kano的强大之处:一个大胆的想法可以在几天或几周内影响用户.

You can't fluke being creative. You can't pretend to be joyful. Last week, 我们的团队毫无疑问地做到了这两点,因为我们都在场——为取悦用户的可能性而高兴. 这就是当你选择玩无限游戏而不是为了赢而玩时你所能创造的魔法. We're grateful to be playing that game at Sana.

Bring on the next Kano!


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